Friday, April 4, 2008

Web 2.0 Learning Platform Thoughts

I recently read an article that was quite thought provoking. Great collection of references too!

Rogers, P., Chan, P., & Isom, B. (2007). Web 2.0 learning platform: Harnessing collective intelligence. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. July, 2007, 8 (3), 16-33.

Social software is redefining education. Whereas older e-learning was patterned after traditional methods of teaching (i.e. drill & kill, etc.), social software is all about collaboration and sharing knowledge. The lines between teacher and student are blended as each learns from the other. This is not to say that what it means to be educated is changing, just the way in which we learn and how we express knowledge. MIT and other universities are moving toward open sharing of content by putting all their courses online. The feeling is that learning (value) does not come from just transferring content (sounds like teacher lecture/student listen), but rather learning comes from the creative, interactive, and meaningful ways that the content is used in a community (p. 20).

So how do we harness this collective intelligence, the wisdom of the crowds? Because the economy is rapidly changing we need to prepare students for the world in which they will live and work. Rather than let learning be driven by the needs of the educational institution, we as education leaders need to encourage learning that fits the current and future needs of our students. Don't fight it, work with it, embrace it.

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